Conflict Resolution Process for Parent Concerns:

Do you have a concern with a District employee?  Most concerns that arise at school can be solved through meeting with the District employee in question.  For a step by step guide to resolve any issues please click the following link:

READ NOW BC, Tools for Parents and Booklets for Families

Do you have a pre-schooler, a child in kindergarten or elementary school, or a child who has progressed to the upper grades? These booklets will help parents support their children’s learning at all stages from early childhood to graduation


Ministry of Education, Special Education Documents:

British Columbia School Trustees Association: BCSTA.ORG

Helplines and Information:
Violence Prevention:
Love Shouldn’t Hurt:
Preventing Violence:…

Our insurance partner, iA Financial Group, is now offering a new comprehensive accident insurance plan with a critical illness component designed for the whole family.

Please see the attached documents for more information:
FARP newsletter copy-Aon BC (2)
FARP website copy-Aon BC

In addition to bullying and violence prevention, the new erase site includes information and resources on online safety, mental well-being, substance use, and sexual orientation and gender identity. The site was created following extensive consultation with students, parents and educators.

Please visit the new erase site for more information.

Success by Six:

Canadian Studies on Peer to Peer Violence Among Youth
* Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System:
* Stats Canada – Dating Violence: